The best way to display your events on your Weebly site. Update your customers about your events via their own calendar. No need for them to even visit your site. Syncs automatically with your existing calendar. (Apple, Google, Outlook, Facebook etc). How to choose the best calendar app. Everyone needs a calendar app to keep track of appointments, events and TO DOs, and organize tasks. If you still do it the old school way and write everything down on paper, you probably haven’t tried yet some of the best calendar apps of 2017. It lets you create events and appointments, and if you add in a location it will provide a map to help you get there. It also imports events from your Gmail account to the calendar automatically. As for sharing-specific features, you can create and share a calendar, after which all participants will be able to view and update it across devices. The way it functions is dependent on knowing the width of its container, and sometimes it can’t figure that out which means it doesn’t display. Once you’ve got everything entered how you like, click the button to generate your code. It's easy to add your CalendarWiz calendar or upcoming events list to a Weebly website. These instructions will optimize your Calendarwiz calendar display on desktop, tablet, or phones. Let's start by logging into your CalendarWiz calendar and your Weebly site. STEP 1: Click to edit the Weebly webpage where you want to insert your calendar.
Schools, clubs, businesses, or other organizations that want to create and publish a yearly schedule of events can use this template to list dates and event descriptions with the dates highlighted on mini monthly calendars. The schedule can then be converted to a PDF to be shared with others.
License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale)
'No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet' - by Jon Wittwer
Unlike many of my other yearly calendars that just display dates, this template lets you list short descriptions of events. This is a popular format for schools, clubs, and other organizations.
Event Types (optional): In the XLSX version (for Excel 2007 or later) you can define up to 7 different types of events to highlight with different colors. In the XLS version (for Excel 2003), you can define up to 3.
Conditional Formatting: This template uses conditional formatting to highlight event dates in the mini calendars. You can still highlight cells by formatting the cells manually (such as graying out the weekends).
See the Help Worksheet: Some getting-started instructions and information about printing are included in the Help worksheet within the template.
Publishing Your Schedule of Events: Although does not permit publishing this spreadsheet on the web, you may create a PDF and publish the PDF if attribution is given.
Conditional Formatting: The dates in the mini calendars can be highlighted by choosing an event type in column L. This is done via Conditional Formatting. See the article How to Use Conditional Formatting to Highlight Cells Based on a Another Cell. If you don't want the events in columns J-L to be highlighted, you can remove the conditional formatting conditions for those cells.
Adding More Events - In this template, it is very easy to add more events if you run out of rows for a particular month. Just select the row (the entire row) marked 'Insert new rows above this one' and right-click on the row number and select Insert.
Events Spanning Multiple Days: If you have an event that lasts more than 1 day and want to highlight the entire span in the mini calendar, the template does not do that automatically. One option is to enter the start date for the event, and then specify the duration in the event description. You can still edit the background color of the cells manually if you want to, keeping in mind that the conditional formatting will trump (override) any manual formatting.
School Calendars: This template is actually a modification of my school event calendar. In the Schedule of Events template above I've added the ability to specify an event type to highlight different types of events different colors.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: This template makes it easy to add birthdays and anniversaries that can automatically update each year. In the date column, you can enter the formula =DATE(B3,theMonth,theDay), where B3 is a reference to the year. For example, if a birthday falls on the 27th of April, you would use the formula =DATE(B3,4,27)
We have a partner studio that we host some of our events at. We would like to take all of the events from our Event Calendar Pro/Wootickets installation and either replicate them on their site, or at the very least have an upcoming events widget for their “Category”.
What is the best way to do this?
Hi Mike,
There’s numerous ways to do this but I would suggest taking a look at using which will allow you to import posts or events from any website and control the information you are importing. Unfortunately it may be a little tricky to migrate all the custom event data, and you will need to look into that yourself. We are working on an import/export plugin which should make this much easier in the future, but I have no idea when that’s coming out.
I hope this helps but let me know if you have any questions.