Open System Preferences and find MTP icon. Then switch to Driver tab, and press on Lock icon to enhance privilege level for the driver controlling. Then tick the check box Disable driver. Now when you attach MTP device by plug in USB cable Android File Transfer will be used! To enable MTP for Mac, just untick the check box Disable driver.
MTP was first shipped as part of the Windows Media Device Manager 10 SDK. This porting kit includes the complete MTP specification, updated design documentation, updated sample source code, software to implement a PC-based MTP simulator, and MTP test tools.
System requirements:
Ok, let's dive into details! So, how macOS get to know what and how to deal with different devices and protocols? It needs some special plug-ins! They are located in Kernel of macOS and knows how to work with this specific device and represent them to the user through VFS (Virtual File System - a layer of abstraction which unifies your experience with file system at all).
As you already understand, the main component of MTP for Mac is such a plug-in or Kernel Extension, or sometimes called 'driver'. This driver resides in a Kernel and waits until some MTP device connects to your Mac. On connection, it negotiates with the device to determine its specifics and represent it to VFS. Now you will see your Android phone or tablet as a regular disk in Finder and on the Desktop. From now you are free to use any software you like, with your photos, mp3, or any other types of files on your device!
That approach dramatically distinct MTP for Mac from the file transfer utility provided by Google Android File Transfer and let you instant access and seem-less user experience. And the big benefit is a short path for your data, which gives you transfer on as maximal speed as possible.