The Spanish national anthem, the Marcha Real, is also one of the oldest national anthems and was written in 1761. The national anthem of the UK was first performed under the title God Save the King in 1619. The Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau which is the national anthem of Wales was the first national anthem to be performed at an international sporting event. Our national anthem ends with a question. Lady Gaga answered it as best she could. Lady Gaga gave a powerful and rhythmically unusual rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner” at the Inauguration.

What Is a National Anthem?

  • What are the National Anthem rules? We all sing 'Jana Gana Mana' with pride as we salute our beloved flag, but very few of us know the meaning behind the words or the history of our national anthem.
  • The mighty anthem of USSR.

A national anthem is a patriotic song or musical composition that is either recognized officially by a nation’s government and constitution or is accepted as such by convention through popular use. The national anthem reflects the history, struggles, and traditions of a nation and its people and serves as an expression of national identity.

Our National Anthem The Star Spangled

When Is a National Anthem Used?

National anthems are usually played or sung during national holidays, especially during the independence day celebrations in a country. National anthems are also performed during cultural and other festivals in the country, usually marking off the beginning or the end of such festivals. National anthems are often performed in international sporting events. For example, in the Olympic Games, the national anthem of the winning team is played during the medal ceremony. National anthems of the participating nations are also played prior to the start of a game and usually, the anthem of the host nation is played last.

Our National Anthem Video

The National anthem is also an integral part of a school’s daily routine in some countries. In countries like India, it is mandatory to play the national anthem at the beginning of a movie in a movie theater. In some countries like China and Colombia, the national anthem is played at specific times of the day by radio and television channels. Thus, different countries promote their national anthems in different ways.

Most countries also mention several etiquettes to be observed while performing or listening to the national anthem like standing up, removing headwear, etc. Although the national anthem of a country is recognized within the country, the use of the anthem outside the country is dependent on the country’s recognition at a global level. For example, Taiwan is not recognized as an independent country by the Olympics committee. Hence, the national anthem of Taiwan is not performed in the Olympics and instead the National Banner Song is played.

What Is the Importance of a National Anthem?

The national anthem, like other national symbols of a country, represents the tradition, history, and beliefs of a nation and its people. Hence, it helps evoke feelings of patriotism among the country’s citizens and reminds them of their nation’s glory, beauty, and rich heritage. It also helps unite the citizens of the country by one single song or music. During the performance of the national anthem, citizens of a nation, despite their ethnic differences, rise up in unison and listen attentively or sing the song with great enthusiasm. Players also feel a great moment of pride when they receive a medal at an international sporting event while their country’s national anthem is played in the background. It gives them a feeling of having made their country proud. Students who listen to the national anthem in their schools learn to respect their nation and develop a sense of unity among themselves.

How and When Did the Concept of a National Anthem Develop?

The concept of a national anthem was first popularized in 19th century Europe. After their independence from European colonial powers, many of the newly-independent nations also composed their own national anthems and today, virtually every sovereign nation in the world has its own national anthem.

The Wilhelmus, the national anthem of the Netherlands, is the world’s oldest national anthem that was written during the time of the Dutch Revolt between 1568 and 1572.

The Kimigayo, the national anthem of Japan, has the oldest lyrics of any national anthem. The lyrics of the anthem has been derived from an ancient poetry that was written during the Heian period (794 to 1185). The music of the anthem was composed only in 1880.

The Spanish national anthem, the Marcha Real, is also one of the oldest national anthems and was written in 1761. The national anthem of the UK was first performed under the title God Save the King in 1619. The Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau which is the national anthem of Wales was the first national anthem to be performed at an international sporting event.

What Languages Are Used to Write or Sing the National Anthem?

Most national anthems are in the country’s official or national language since these languages are usually the languages of the majority of the country. However, in countries having more than one official or national languages, several versions of the national anthem in different languages might exist. For example, Canada’s national anthem, Canada, O Canada, uses both French and English lyrics since both are official languages of the country. The national anthem of South Africa uses five of the eleven national languages of the country.

The Creators of the National Anthems

Our national anthem was written byOur National Canthem

Although the national anthems of each country are popular throughout the country, the creators of many of these anthems are either little-known or even unknown. For example, the author of the British national anthem “God Save the Queen” is disputed and unknown. In some countries, however, the national anthem’s authors are world-renowned composers or even Nobel laureates. For example, the national anthems of India and Bangladesh were both written by the first Asian Nobel Prize winner in Literature, Rabindranath Tagore. In other countries, national anthems have been composed by locally important figures like, for example, Rafael Nuñez, the former President of Colombia penned down the national anthem of the country.

What Is an Earth Anthem?

It is not only the sovereign countries of the world that have their own anthem, but international organizations and institutions also have their own anthems which are referred to as “international anthems”. For example, the Lullaby is UNICEF’s official anthem, the ASEAN Way is ASEAN’s official anthem, and the European Union uses the Ode to Joy’s tune as its national anthem.

With large-scale globalization in recent years, various artists have also created global anthems or 'Earth Anthems” with the aim of uniting the people of the world and promoting love and tolerance for each other and respect for the planet they live in. However, a true global anthem is yet to be widely accepted. Although the UNESCO praises such ideas, an official song is yet to be adopted by the UN.

Find out how well you know the history and lyrics of The Star Spangled Banner.

Our National Anthem, also known as the “Star Spangled Banner,” is full of inspiring lyrics that describe the natural beauty of the land and brave history of our soldiers. The song paints a bold image of the American flag proudly flying despite bombs and rockets exploding all around it.

Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner in 1814 after watching British ships bomb Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. His lyrics were based on a poem he wrote titled, “Defense of Fort McHenry.” Key was 35 years old when he created the historic song and worked primarily as a lawyer, only writing amateur poetry on the side.

Proudly sung at almost every major US sporting event, the first verse is by far the most popular of the whole anthem. However, many people still do not know the lyrics word-for-word, or cannot even sing past the first verse. So whether you need a little refresher on the National Anthem or want to test your knowledge, here are the full lyrics to all 4 verse of The Star Spangled Banner.

The Star Spangled Banner (Lyrics)

Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Our National Anthem Song Lyrics

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Lyrics To America's National Anthem

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Our National Anthem Song

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Credit: USA-Flag-Site | Wikipedia